At ACT, we’re all extremely passionate about making a positive difference to people’s lives by providing excellent learning programmes and opportunities.
We provide a long list of training programmes and qualifications that really help people reach their full potential. From Traineeships, Apprenticeship and Higher Apprenticeships across 30 different sectors, to employability training and short commercial courses, we have something for everyone.
Yn ACT, rydym i gyd yn hynod frwd dros wneud gwahaniaeth cadarnhaol i fywydau pobl drwy ddarparu rhaglenni a chyfleoedd dysgu gwych.
Rydym yn darparu rhestr hir o raglenni hyfforddiant a chymwysterau sydd wir yn helpu pobl i gyrraedd eu llawn botensial. O Hyfforddeiaethau, Prentisiaethau a Phrentisiaethau Uwch mewn 30 o sectorau gwahanol, i hyfforddiant cyflogadwyedd a chyrsiau masnachol byr, mae gennym rywbeth i bawb.