Creative Cardiff Classroom: Travel Writing

17/09/2024 - 10:00
Tramshed Tech, Cardiff
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Posted by: Creative Cardiff

Creative Cardiff Classrooms are a new series of events which allow creatives to dive deeper into a specific theme in small group workshops with an experienced facilitator. Subsidised by Creative Cardiff, all Classroom events are just £10 to attend.

In 2024 / 2025, our Creative Cardiff Classrooms will focus on the writing, literature and publishing sector.

On 17 September, we're hosting an introductory session to the genre of travel writing.

For centuries, travel has inspired sailors and other travellers to embark on distant journeys, and record their adventures. In the era of the digital, travel writing has taken new forms, and can be expressed in a multitude of new exciting ways. Taking inspiration from writers who push the boundaries of what constitutes travel writing, this workshop will invite participants to experiment with modern forms of travel writing: from keeping a travel journal to blogging, blending non-fiction with fiction, and re-thinking how we see the spaces around us.

About the facilitator: Sophie Buchaillard

Sophie is a Franco-British author, born in Paris to a nomadic family. She travelled extensively and lived in France, Spain and the US, before pegging her tent in South Wales, 23 years ago. Her debut novel This Is Not Who We Are (Seren, 2022) was shortlisted for the Wales Book of the Year 2023. Her second novel Assimilation (Honno, 2024) explores themes of migration and belonging through three generations of women. She has published two essays on the experience of travel and migration: ‘Revolving Doors’ in New Travel Writing for a Precarious Century ed. Steven Lovatt (Parthian, 2022) and ’Tangled Thoughts from a Migrant Mother’ in Woman’s Wales ed. Emma Schofield (Parthian, 2024). Her PhD in Creative and Critical Writing focused on travel writing, cultural identity and the global novel. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, has taught creative writing at Cardiff University, and offers writing workshops and mentoring to support aspiring writers in developing their writing practice @growriter.

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