Richard Gray


Art Director / Creative Director at Richard Gray


“An inspiring, forward thinking,
creative problem solver and brand
strategy with over 27 years industry
experience. Richard has an infectious
enthusiasm for creativity and business
while being a charismatic
communicator and creative mentor.
Richard has worked with brands from
all over the world primarily in the
finance, technology and luxury sectors.
He has influenced brand and
behavioural change and taken brands
to market whilst demonstrating a
humility and understanding for
commercial and human impact of
brand. He retains an entrepreneurial
and forward thinking perspective.

Richard is a natural communicator,
an inspiring creator, a compassionate
mentor, a business professional who
understands the value of brand
emotion as well as beautifully
executed art direction. He inspires to
push the boundaries and embraces
the ‘art of the possible”.
Address / Cyfeiriad
24 De Claire Lodge