Strategaeth a Datblygiad Busnes

Yma cewch hyd i rai templedi a dolenni defnyddiol i ddatblygu eich busnes.

Postiwyd gan: Ryan Bunney

Dyddiad: 11 August 2020

Gall dechrau neu dyfu eich busnes ymddangos yn frawychus heb yr adnoddau na’r templedi cywir, ond gallwn gynnig yr hyn sydd ei angen arnoch. Isod, fe welwch ddolenni defnyddiol sy’n addas i chi a’ch busnes i’ch rhoi ar ben ffordd.

Mae cynllunio yn allweddol yn yr adran adnoddau hon.

Yma cewch gynlluniau model busnes, templedi ac enghreifftiau; cyrsiau i ddatblygu eich sgiliau a’ch gwybodaeth; mentora rhad ac am ddim; cyngor ar werthuso ac ymchwilio; rheoli a meddalwedd deallusrwydd artiffisial (AI) ar gyfer eich busnes; asiantaethau a all helpu os oes gan eich busnes y gyllideb ar eu cyfer; gwybodaeth a chyngor penodol ar waith llawrydd a bod yn artist yng Nghymru; a chymorth ariannol i wella sgiliau eich staff.

Nesta's Toolkit

Bydd y pecyn cymorth hwn yn eich helpu i gynllunio, adeiladu, profi, cyfathrebu a lansio eich busnes creadigol newydd.

Alchemy Research and Consultancy

Adeiladu cynllun busnes clir, cydlynol a realistig sy’n denu rhanddeiliaid, cyllidwyr a buddsoddwyr.

The Arts Development Company

Templed cynllun busnes hawdd ei ddefnyddio gydag enghreifftiau i’w nodi wrth weithio drwyddo.

Future Learn: Professional Development

Dewch o hyd i’r cwrs perffaith i chi ddatblygu eich sgiliau datblygiad proffesiynol o unrhyw le.

Mentors Me

Dewch o hyd i fentor yn eich ardal yn rhad ac am ddim er mwyn cefnogi taith eich busnes, ynghyd ag adnoddau a chyngor defnyddiol.

Hinge Marketing

Ystyriwch sut i greu strategaeth a chynllun cysylltiedig i lansio busnes unigolyn neu fach.

DIY Evaluation and Research

Helpful advice, resources and pointers for those who need some help to get started.

Contemporary Craft

Artist advice, catalogues, exhibitions, and resources all in one place.

Studio Binder

Meddalwedd wych ar gyfer rheoli fideos, lluniau, a chynhyrchu ffilm a theledu.

Harvard Business Review

Cipolwg ar y strwythurau gwahanol sydd eu hangen i fusnesau bach ddatblygu o gymharu â busnesau mwy.

Menter a Busnes

Consultancy services on economic development issues for independent business or organisation in Wales.

Culture+ Templates

Templates to get you started as an artist, small business, or freelancer.

g39 WARP

Click "Becoming Self-Employed" to download a document containing everything you'll need to know to get you started.

Future Learn: Business and Management

Further your career with communication, networking and project management courses.

Small Business Administration

Learn how to use a business plan that reflects your business with a quick and effective template.


Focus on how to maintain or improve your business' profitability with helpful resources by the UK GOV.


Find the most updated free artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, mathematics, python programming resources here.


An agency to match you up with expert help on various business needs.

Entrepreneur Europe

Information on which legal structure will best suit your business.

David Parrish

Strategies for creative business development and growth using Ansoff’s Matrix.

Skills Gateway

Programmes to help you with financial support towards upskilling your staff.


Cyfeiriadur rhwydwaith

Ymunwch â'r rhwydwaith

Creu proffil cyfeiriadur i rannu eich gwaith ac i gysylltu a chydweithio â phobl greadigol eraill.

Jess Networking at a Creative Cardiff event